Shooters (In-House) Wednesday 8-Ball
Singles Winter Session 2024-25
The Wednesday 8-Ball Singles Division begins play at 7:00 pm on November 6, 2024. The field is limited to 16 players of ALL TAP skill levels. The division will play for 20 weeks, ending April 9, 2025.
There will be NO league play the week of Thanksgiving, November 27 or on Christmas and New Year's Day.
Schedules will also be distributed to the players at the Players' Meeting the night divisional play begins.
You MUST be a TAP League member in good standing to participate.
Future Events and Projected League Session Start Dates
January 2025, 1:00 pm - Ladies' 8-Ball Team Division, 2025 Session Begins -- Shooters and Raxx Billiards
April 10-13, 2025 - "Rally In the Valley" and Super Billiards Expo -- Greater Philadelphia Expo Center, Oaks, PA
TBD 2025, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm - Billiards Training Series #2, Learning "Center Ball" -- Shooters Billiards
JOIN TODAY to get on a Team!
April 10-13, 2025
TAP, LLC Pools Amateur Tour, Rally in the Valley Dream Team Event is a TAP Players Only event.
Players from all over the USA and Canada, build "Dream Teams" with players they meet from other areas at this event and TAP Nationals. They can have any player from all TAP Areas play on this built dream team, just for this event. They do not have to play together weekly (the 25-Rule applies for the Dream Team 8 and 9-ball team events).
When Loyd Schonter, FOUNDER and CEO of TAP, LLC came up with the concept of a dream team event, it was a concept original and of its own in the billiard industry. Loyd and Allen Hopkins decided in 1996 to partner up and in conjunction TAP would hold their own event during Allen’s Super Billiards Expo. Hence, a perfect time to release the TAP Rally in the Valley event/concept.
Over the last 22 years, the event has grown tremendously, sold out every year, and every year it grows and sells out again.
Today, the TAP Rally in the Valley event is not only 8-Ball Dream Team (which it started with), but now includes 9-Ball Dream Team along with 8-Ball Singles, Scotch Doubles, and the Ladies 8-Ball Team Championship.
If you aren’t a TAP Pool Player and want to become one, click the button below to join TAP and become a player in the Treasure Coast TAP Pool League.
We're looking forward to another successful TAP Event in April 2025, and seeing Allen and his staff along with the Vendors and Players at the prestigious Super Billiards Expo.
This event is played on Diamond Smart Barbox (3.5’x 7′) tables with Simonis 860 Cloth, the best quality equipment in the industry.
Rally In The Valley TAP "Dream Team" events information will be coming!